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    Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna - An Overview

    If you have to “Discover Moving Wonders” then relocate with BEST Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna affordably and reliably. The reasonable cost ranges from Rs.12,300 - Rs.29,100* for 1 BHK to 3 BHK house shifting. Intercity relocation charges for vehicle relocation are around Rs.3,250 - Rs.4,950* approx.

    So, you can get FREE moving quotes easily through call or our simple query form.

    Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna Duration - Shifting Charges

    Shifting Type Moving Days Approx. Charges
    Few House Hold Goods 1 Day - 4 Days Rs.2,700 - Rs.7,400
    Some Office Items 2 Day - 4 Days Rs.3,400 - Rs.8,000
    1BHK 1 Day - 4 Days Rs.18,800 - Rs.44,600
    2BHK 2 Day - 5 Days Rs.29,200 - Rs.68,000
    3BHK 2 Day - 6 Days Rs.42,000 - Rs.98,600

Get Real Prices of Shifting - Right Now

How Shifting will be easy with Mumbai to Patna Packers and Movers? Check This Out

Distance from Mumbai to Patna is around 1,740 km; this distance plays a major role in determining the shifting rates.

In general, the value for goods relocation from Mumbai to Patna charges around Rs.12,300 - Rs.29,100*approx.

The approximate rates for vehicle transportation from Mumbai to Patna are around Rs.12,700 - Rs.19,500*.

Estimated price for relocating few items from Mumbai to Patna is around Rs.2,700 - Rs.7,400* approx.

Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna Costs - Distance Wise

Shifting Type Upto 1,100Km. 1,800Km Cost
1 BHK Rs.14,000 - 18,000 Rs.18,800 - 44,600
2 BHK Rs.24,000 - 34,000 Rs.29,200 - 68,000
3 BHK Rs.38,000 - 59,000 Rs.43,000 - 98,600
4 BHK Rs.53,000 - 120,000 Rs.56,700 - 128,300

So, many of the people are still hazy about the movers and packers, sometimes you do ask your friends and family members; who have used the services of the packing and moving companies.

You still don't believe them and maybe you are confused sometimes, if you spend money and your money will get wasted.

What if we show you some of the advantages of the Mumbai to Patna Movers and Packers and maybe they will help you to get a clear idea.

Yes, there are benefits of having them while relocation and they can help you a lot while relocation and will also increase efficiency and save money while moving.

Calculate Your Moving Distance and Estimated Your Relocation Cost

Check out advantages - Movers and Packers Mumbai to Patna

1. They provide you every service of moving like household shifting services, bike, car carrier’s facility, office relocation, and so on.

2. Sometimes due to heavy and large items, we get no space of keeping them at home, so they also provide you the storage facility.

3. In case of any damage happens while transit then the company also provides you insurance where your amount gets refunded and you get a refund back.

4. They also make sure of the safety and security of the items.

5. They are from the top and reputed firm and professional companies.

6. They know how to load the items properly with care and keep extra care of the fragile items and them also.

7. Properly know how to balance the moving so that you don't have to bother for anything.

8. Maintain a friendly behavior with the clients and safe keeping of everything so that the move can be fun loving for you.

PRO-TIP: The Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna Contact Number + 91 9355438305 for any query about moving you can contract through this number.

Hire SHIFTININDIA Packers and Movers from Mumbai to Patna

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  • Mumbai to Patna Helpline Numbers for Instant Services: +91-9355438305
  • Mumbai to Patna WhatsApp Number for One-to-One Chat: +91-9355438305
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Approximate Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna prices chart

Estimated charges from Mumbai to Patna are around Rs.18,800 - Rs.44,600*; this is calculated through moving type, transportation cost, packing material, manpower rates, and your other shifting demands.

Updated Movers and Packers Mumbai to Patna rates list

House Size Packing & Labor Transportation Total Costs
1 BHK Rs.6,500 - Rs.15,500 Rs.12,300 - Rs.29,100 Rs.18,800 - Rs.44,600
2 BHK Rs.10,100 - Rs.23,700 Rs.19,100 - Rs.44,300 Rs.29,200 - Rs.68,000
3 BHK Rs.14,600 - Rs.34,400 Rs.27,400 - Rs.64,200 Rs.42,000 - Rs.98,600
4 BHK or Villa Rs.19,800 - Rs.44,800 Rs.36,900 - Rs.83,500 Rs.56,700 - Rs.128,300

Trusted Packers and Movers charges from Mumbai to Patna

Prices Rs.12,300 - Rs.29,100* shifting from Mumbai to Patna is evaluated through house type, moving rates, distance, packing charges, and your other shifting needs.

Intercity Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna charges list

House Size Packing & Labor Transportation
1 BHK Rs.6,500 - Rs.15,500 Rs.12,300 - Rs.29,100
2 BHK Rs.10,100 - Rs.23,700 Rs.19,100 - Rs.44,300
3 BHK Rs.14,600 - Rs.34,400 Rs.27,400 - Rs.64,200
4 BHK or Villa Rs.19,800 - Rs.44,800 Rs.36,900 - Rs.83,500

Car transport Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna cost list

The car transport from Mumbai to Patna cost determined through the distance, packing charges, car type, transport rates, etc.; but the estimated prices Rs.15,600 - Rs.24,200* approx.

Reliable Car shifting from Mumbai to Patna rates list

Car Type Packing Costs Transportation Charges
Hatchback Rs.2,900 - Rs.4,600 Rs.12,700 - Rs.19,500
Sedan Rs.3,500 - Rs.4,800 Rs.15,100 - Rs.19,700
Compact SUV Rs.3,700 - Rs.5,600 Rs.16,000 - Rs.23,700
SUV Rs.4,900 - Rs.7,400 Rs.20,700 - Rs.30,700
Luxurious Rs.5,600 - Rs.7,300 Rs.23,700 - Rs.30,400

Bike shifting Packers and Movers nearby Mumbai to Patna Prices

Rates for bike shifting is around Rs.4,800 - Rs.7,500*; this is assessed through packing charges, two-wheeler type, manpower prices, and your own relocation requirements.

Interstate Bike transport from Mumbai to Patna cost list

Two-Wheeler Type Transportation Charges Total Costs
Bike Upto 199cc Rs.3,250 - Rs.4,950 Rs.4,800 - Rs.7,500
Bike from 200-500cc Rs.3,950 - Rs.6,050 Rs.5,900 - Rs.9,100
Bike Above 500 cc Rs.5,450 - Rs.8,350 Rs.8,200 - Rs.12,700
Scooty Rs.2,650 - Rs.4,150 Rs.4,000 - Rs.6,200
Electric Scooty Rs.2,550 - Rs.3,950 Rs.3,800 - Rs.5,900

FAQ's for shifting from Mumbai to Patna

Answer:-It will charge around Rs.18,800 - Rs.44,600* to shift house from Mumbai to Patna.

Answer:-You can transport your luggage with the help of Cheap Packers and Movers Mumbai to Patna.

Answer:-To ship a car from Mumbai to Patna; it will charge around Rs.4,800 - Rs.7,500*.

Answer:-You can move from Mumbai to Patna with the aid of movers from Mumbai to Patna as the distance is around 1,740 km.

Answer:-Transport car from Mumbai to Patna; it will price around Rs.15,600 - Rs.24,200*.

Answer:-The cost to shift 2 BHK from Mumbai to Patna is around Rs.29,200 - Rs.68,000*.

Answer:-The rates from Mumbai to Patna for house shifting of 3 BHK goods are around Rs.42,000 - Rs.98,600*.

Answer:-It cost around Rs.3,250 - Rs.4,950* to transport bike from Mumbai to Patna.

Answer:-You can keep your moving prices low from Mumbai to Patna by collecting and comparing shifting quotes of different relocation companies.

Answer:-The material which are not transported by professional mover are hazardous goods, perishable items, inflammable, valuable and important documents.

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