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Know the best moving checklists to make the moving better!

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Checklists For Packing and Moving

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Top 42 Moving Checklists

          1) Get a moving checklist
          2) Take a full record of your home!
          3) De-junk your home like anything!
          4) Sell the items that are not in use!
          5) Start your Packing as soon as possible!
          6) Follow a packing schedule!
          7) Start packing with the Toughest room!
          8) Divide your packing into small stages!
          9) Never pay for the moving boxes
          10) For heavy stuff use the small boxes!
          11) For heavy items use the suitcase or trolly bags
          12) Always pack your boxes with good packaging items!
          13) Make a cardboard box handles
          14) Make a packing table and get it clear!
          15) Use a lot of bubble wraps!
          16) Use garbage bags for packing the clothes!
          17) For expensive clothes use the wardrobe boxes
          18) Pack before the clothes and the shoes.
          19) Small into big tricks
          20) Pack your dishes in a vertical direction
          21) Have a check at your precious items
          22) Pack all the books and notebooks properly
          23) Take a box and pack all the essentials!
          24) Discard the packing of dangerous items
          25) Ample up the empty spaces
          26) Wrap up the drawers with a sheet of a plastic
          27) Do not miss to label up your boxes!
          28) Pack a first aid box and carry it with you!
          29) Keep the bathroom stuff more safely!
          30) Keep a folder or a binder for the papers and the documents!
          31) Take a picture of the electronics!
          32) Take a backup of your electronic devices
          34) Use the paper rolls to pack your cords
          35) Separate the furniture parts and pack!
          36) Use the zipper bag for keeping small elements!
          37) Take extra care of the heavy items
          38) Use the proper technique for holding the furniture!
          39) Take rent to load the stuff
          40) Do not Buy food items
          41) Empty your fridge
          42) Update your address and everything!
          43) Prepare a food bag and carry good clothes!

If we think of the moving what is that thing that comes to our mind that is stress, overwhelming expensive, exhaustion and difficult. So these are some of the words that come to our mind and mouth while describing the process of moving or relocation.

But now say bye to these words by adopting new tips and methods with the help of this article. You know while gathering the right information and with the help of your knowledge, you can make your relocation very easy and fun.

Check out the great tips or checklists to make the moving better and fun. This blog will change your mind and with the help of this article, you will be like yes moving is a fun part.

These tips in detail will help you to make the moving easy and better. Check here now – Get ready to make you’re moving an easy moving with top packers and movers Bangalore.

1) Get a moving checklist

The first thing you need to do is to organize your time properly, plan earlier and thank me later as it will not only make your move a stress free but also saves your time and energy.

Create a moving checklist as it will help you to plan everything and it will not create any chaos.

Plan a moving checklist and strictly stick to that plan until the end.

2) Take a full record of your home!

The second thing you need to do is to take a full record of your home and if you are planning to hire the movers and packers then take care of each item of your home, whether it’s a small showpiece also. A complete inventory will help you to evaluate the items that which item is useful and what are not! so that at the time of packing you can throw or leave behind the unwanted things at home, as it will reduce your items and at last it will save you some cost.

Also, it will help you to get a clear idea if in case something will miss during the relocation.

3) De-junk your home like anything!

Get a tidy and clean home, avoid or throw unwanted things such as old items, broken items or useless items that are not in use. It will make your packing easy as well as moving also. Moreover, it will reduce transportation and the moving price also. It will save your packing charges, transportation charges, and time and energy.

If you haven’t used any items for years it’s high time that you throw that substance. Do use this tip because it will save you many things. True to declutter all the substances that are not in use or broken or unwanted.

4) Sell the items that are not in use!

You can sell the items that are not in use or still new or you have used it for just one or two times. So on the day of moving, you can earn some profit by selling the items that are not in use. You can make you’re moving fun moving and easier by selling the stuff that you are not going to use in the future. You can either sell it to some needy or your neighbors or via online or you can donate to any best NGO who can help poors.

The choice is yours and it will not only make you’re moving easier but also you can earn some money and declutter the home with the good stuff.

5) Start your Packing as soon as possible!

Now you are still thinking about how to make the moving easy and fun! Now here from this point the real journey starts! start packing all your stuff, the faster you do the more you will save time and energy. Kick ourselves for packing the stuff. Don’t be lazy and think its a great start.

6) Follow a packing schedule!

I know packing up the stuff is one of the toughest jobs, but if you follow a basic packing timeline trust me it will become easy and interesting for you. While moving out you need to finish it before or else if you fail to organize your packing timeline then it may end in disaster. So you need to be smart and fast while packing. Don’t worry follow these amazing tips and trust me your moving will be damn easy.

Have an easy move all you need to follow the packing and moving timeline calendar. Try to create a packing timeline and strictly follow it. Maintain a calendar where each packing job is organized and patronized.

7) Start packing with the Toughest room!

I know packing the most difficult rooms is not easy but at the time when you are full of energy and have time, you can start with the toughest room like storage rooms, living rooms. And at last when you get tired and your energy level will get decreased it will be easier for you to pack the easier rooms.

To make the moving and packing easy for yourself start with the storage rooms first or like living rooms where you can find that more items are there.

It will be easy for you and can give you more time.

8) Divide your packing into small stages!

I know packing all the home is not easy but if you can divide it into the small stages you can make you’re packing fun. The different stages idea will make your gain some energy back in the middle of the packing and less stressful. So better break the packing into different stages like for example mini tasks. I know packing all the home at just one attempt is not possible. So try to take two rooms like one room and mini room at the same time so that it will speed up the process of the packing. It will make you less stressful and make the moving and packing fun as well.

9) Never pay for the moving boxes!

I know when you have money, you don’t have to worry about the money factor, but when you are in budget and you have to think about the money and everything else, you have to plan everything in an organized way. So when in a budget, you need to take some efforts and hard work to save some money on the supplies or packing boxes.

To get the moving boxes for moving with some friends, neighbors, family members, local businesses vendors, or through some websites.

10) For heavy stuff use the small boxes!

While moving it’s important to take care of the items. You have to take care of the items. So separate the heavy items into the small boxes and pack them with extra care. Now, I know some of you might gets confused that why to carry so many small boxes, why not one single big box? So a simple question will clear all your doubts. What would you prefer? To carry five lighter and smaller light-boxes or a single big heavy box that could break also because of the heavyweight of the items?

So better not to take risks that could cause the damages of the items or property or can cause personal injury also.

Use the smaller boxes.

11) For heavy items use the suitcase or trolly bags

As you know carrying the super heavy is a tough job, and not that easy and fun, and sometimes it can be dangerous also if not loaded properly. so try to use the suitcases or trolly bags to keep the heavy items. So if you have 9 suitcases at your home, try to use every suitcase for the heavy items. Use your trolly bags to pack all the heavy stuff. Like books, heavy items and the handles and wheels of the trolly bags will make it easy for the moving.

12) Always pack your boxes with good packaging items!

So the next tip is safer and good packing. Always try to pack the boxes with good packaging stuff. remember good packing tips will not only make your moving easy but it also make safe your moving and items.

A simple tip can make you’re moving a very easy and interesting that always try to place or keep clean sheets of the papers or bubble wrap at the bottom of the cardboard boxes before packing it with the different layers.

As the bubble wrap will make the items safe and secure in case of any accidents.

13) Make a cardboard box handles

The heavy cardboard boxes are hard to lift or carry, and it can make your move a bit difficult so here a useful tip if you want to make your move an easy move.

You know the cardboard boxes are heavy to move and when the box is full of the heavy items and it’s very difficult to lift and carry so in that case you can use this trick tip that is with the help of the cutter, cut the sides of the boxes into a rectangular shape and use it as a handle. the handle will make it easier and safer for carrying or lifting.

14) Make a packing table and get it clear!

Create a packing hub like for example a large table where you can keep all the packing materials. Whatever the packing activities you will do or the packed items you can keep there on the table. That will make it easy for you to distinguish between the pack and the unpack items.

But make sure to keep that packing table tidy and clean as it will make your moving and packing an easy packing.

Try to make the table clean and tidy with no useless and unwanted items, packaging materials.

15) Use a lot of bubble wraps!

So don’t be a miser and use plenty of bubble wraps to pack the material or items. It is one of the best protective ways to keep your items safe and secure while moving.

The air bubbles present in the bubble warp works amazing while protecting the fragile items. You know the fragile items can easily breakable while they move, so takes extra care of the fragile items.

16) Use garbage bags for packing the clothes!

Try to use the garbage bags for the packing of the clothes. It will be easier for you to get the bag. Try to pull off a clean garbage bag and keep the hanging clothes directly inside the garbage bag. it will be easier for you to do it. Direct from the closet with hangers keep it inside the garbage bag. It will save your time and energy and at the time of unpacking it will help you. At the unpacking time, it will make your task even easier.

17) For expensive clothes use the wardrobe boxes

I know keeping the hanging clothes in a garbage bag is super easy but what about the expensive clothes? You love your clothes we know that and you just cannot sit and pack your expensive clothes in a garbage bag. I know it’s not that easy for you. So all you need is to pack your designer or expensive clothes in a wardrobe box that will make your expensive clothes safe and secure.

It will provide you the best support for your expensive garments.

18) Pack before the clothes and the shoes.

Save a lot of time by packing all the winter clothes earlier in summers and summer clothes in winter. The same thing you can do with the part of the shoe. It will save you a lot of time.

19) Small into big tricks

Make your moving and packing even more easy and interesting by keeping all the smaller containers into big ones, don’t waste any containers. Save the space, this way you can easily save a lot of space and time.

20) Pack your dishes in a vertical direction

So we all know that kitchen plates and utensils are one of the sensitive items which can be easily breakable. So pack them in a safer way like the place the china ones in the between of the paper plates or the styrofoam plates, this will make your move an easy and safe, and it will discard any possible contact of each other.

21) Have a check at your precious items

Then the next step is a little bit crucial and you need to pay attention to this tip that protects your precious items that are valuable such as jewelry, important documents, personal cards, electronic gadgets such as laptops, iPad, phones, and so on.

Do not allow the movers and packers team to collect this item but suggesting you do it on your own.

22) Pack all the books and notebooks properly

Well, packing books is very easy while moving but you need to to know the two basic rules that are –

  • Try to arrange the books in a cardboard box like the spine part of the book should be in the bottom part and the open part of the book is facing towards you, and pack in a small box.

23) Take a box and pack all the essentials!

I know after moving you will be a new house and at the same time unpack all the items and get all the necessary things at the time, it is hard. So in that case, be well-prepared in advance and pack a box of all the day to day essentials items that will help you to survive and till the time you don’t get time to arrange all the everyday items.

It will not only make your moving easy but also helps you to manage an organized move.

24) Discard the packing of dangerous items

So this point keeps this in mind, make you’re moving a safer and a secure moving as stop wasting time in packing the precious time.

Avoid such packing of dangerous items like gas, match sticks that may cause corrosive or explosion so try to avoid it.

Better to deposit to some people or anyone but try to avoid packing the substances.

25) Ample up the empty spaces

So why to left the empty spaces, while moving it is very important to manage every single space so this is like a good tip for moving to a better reaction. Inside all the boxes, fill up the empty spaces so that it will make you a better move. Like you can use the paper or the bubble wrap or used towel or any unwanted clothes so that the items inside the box will not shift here and there and at the time of unpacking or loading the items will remain as it is.

Remember every small and a big space matters a lot while moving, so try to utilize every single space.

26) Wrap up the drawers with a sheet of a plastic

This tip will save your time a lot like this I can say is one of the best and the easy tip. Check out the drawers and just the way it is full of the items and wrap the sheet of plastic and keep the contents or items inside the plastic sheet.

This trick can save you a lot of time and energy at the same time.

27) Do not miss to label up your boxes!

You know while moving little things also matters a lot. So do not forget such little things such as marker, tapes and of course to label all the boxes and the containers. Labeling helps a lot while moving and at the time of unpacking the items.

It makes the move more organized and efficient. Do not use the local or temporary markers, it may be rub easily so try to use the permanent markers.

For easy identification and a move, try to use the marker and labels the things properly like for an example if you want to keep the box at kitchen then mark it like kitchen utensils, clothes then mark it like bedroom clothes and make a chart of the content as well and mark it on the top of the box, side and not on the top of the boxes.

It will make you identify the products easily and not waste your more time.

28) Pack a first aid box and carry it with you!

Remember while moving always try to carry the boxes, do not miss this. This is such an important part. make sure that every medicine is there with you at the time of moving, like for headache, vomiting, fever, bandage and so on.

But make sure to not carry all the medicines like those are not in need or expired can throw them instead of keeping them and making your move even more difficult. Take the necessary medicine only what you think it’s very important.

29) Keep the bathroom stuff more safely!

I know while moving what irritates the most is the bathroom items because of the risk of the spills and the leaks while loading and moving.

So a simple trick can make you’re moving a better and a leakage-free move as you need to keep a piece of a wrap or paper over the open side of a bottle that is having liquid inside it and then pin the cap.

30) keep a folder or a binder for the papers and the documents!

Keeping every document safely is a must task job while moving so keep a folder or a binder for keeping the documents safely and securely. Every document is important while moving and it should stay with you at every step so better to keep all the documents in a separate file or binder in one place.

So it will make your move easier and a great move as everything will be in one place and you can keep your documents safely and securely in a folder or a binder. Ín case you need any paper or documents so at the same time you can open up the file and can show the documents.

31) Take a picture of the electronics!

This tip is one of the best tips as it can make your move an easy move. You should take the pictures of the electronics wires like how they have been fixed so that when the moving is finished and at the time of unpacking or setting up the electronic device you can take the help of the same photo and set the electronic wires very easily and without any troubles. This will help you to fire up things easily.

32) Take a backup of your electronic devices

During moving to take the backup of all the electronic devices whether it is desktop, computer, or it’s the laptop. Take all the backup of the precious data that you think t’s very important. You never know anything can happen in the middle of the road.

Just keep a record or make a transfer of all the documents and data into a pen drive or a hard disk whatever suits you.

You can also use the online cloud storage device for storing data.

33) Use the paper rolls to pack your cords

Now here is another tip that you can use for the moving. Pack all the cords with the paper rolls in an organized way. Another neat and tidy way, as you can pack all the cables with a paper roll that will help you to find it easy while unpacking. It’s easy and fast at the same tie and saves you a lot of time.

34) Separate the furniture parts and pack!

Now during moving it’s hard to carry the furniture parts, and difficult to pack also so it’s better to separate the parts of the furniture and pack each piece nicely.

This way it will be protected and you can pack and load easily.

35) Use the zipper bag for keeping small elements!

I can say while moving a zipper bag is just like gold, you can keep every small element easily and safely in a zipper bag without any difficulty.

Sometimes while moving there is a risk of misplacing the small and tiny elements so better use the zipper bags for the tiny elements.

Like for example, you can keep the stuff like bolts, nuts, buttons, screws and so on and can keep them all together for an immediate need.

36) Take extra care of the heavy items

While moving take extra care of the heavy items as it may cause accident or injury an that may cause the extra load for you while moving.

Try to use the proper techniques while loading or shifting the heavy boxes from an old house to a new home. Because while moving nobody wants extra trouble like an accident or any injury and keeps your children away from this.

37) Use the proper technique for holding the furniture!

While moving to use the proper techniques for the shifting of the furniture, as we know moving furniture is a tough task and you just cannot do it all alone, you need to have some skills and technique while doing this work. Before moving must take transit insurance while moving.

Use the furniture sliders will not only make your task easy but also help you to get a clear idea to save time like you can put it under each leg of the furniture part and push the heavy item easily. It is made up of a plastic and a hard-rubber.

It will save you from the floor damages also.

38) Take rent to load the stuff

When moving all alone, you need some tools that are not easily available at home, so you can do one thing you can take rent of a moving dolly and easily load and shift the stuff. It is easy, safe and convenient at the same time.

So if you are moving all alone without the packers and movers you must go for the dolly that is of made up of rubber and make your shifting very easy.

39) Do not Buy food items

No need to buy the food items weekly while moving, try to finish all the items before you moved out. Do not throw or waste any food items, try to use the remaining items at home and avoid buying any materials and try to donate the left food items to the needy or those who need them. If you want you can also ask your neighbor or friends if in case they need something so you can donate them also.

Do not throw the food items.

40) Empty your fridge
So this part you should do it earlier try to empty your fridge a day before yesterday or like before 24 hours as while moving day you will be in a hurry and you just cannot miss everything so better to switch off so that there will be no leaking of fun when you moved out.

41) Update your address and everything!
So updating an address is the main part, be smart and change your address from banks, and other important places to a new house address.

42) Prepare a food bag and carry good clothes!
Prepare a bag full of snacks while moving, you never know in the middle of the way if you are hungry and can’t find anything to eat so at least your snacks can be a savior at that time and carry comfortable clothes. So that it will give you a comfort zone and you will be relaxed throughout the whole journey.